
The moment city turned dark,
No light, no moon, no spark,
Cloudy sky and heavy breeze,
My heart is not at ease,
The trees making sound,
I am looking around,
The darkness looks scary,
Heart was feeling heavy.

-Prasanna Pala

Coffee date

It’s a coffee date,
He is by my side,
Words can’t express,
How I feel,
Looking into eyes,
I can’t take the breathe,
Like sparkles from cracker,
My heart Pounding at high,
And a deep sigh,
When he left from my sight,
Why can’t I talk, when I see?
He called me,
Fear in my voice,
But happiness in my heart,
I wish time go slow,
Can’t disconnect, can’t talk either,
I kept listening to him all the time,
It was never a day, I felt something,
Which I can’t express and forget.

-Prasanna Pala


The summer morning,
Filled with your shine,
Day and night,
You are just mine,
Helplessly I fell,
Into your thoughts,
A second without you,
I’m feeling unstable,
Can I call you my love,
Or just be silent.

-Prasanna Pala


Was it true?
What did I see?
Was it the same old story,
Filled with tears,
Missing over years,
Or a new story,
With a surprise?

-Prasanna Pala


I can see the same view,
Out of my window,
I cannot feel the same me,
Inside with my shadow,
The warm teardrop,
On the edge of my eyelash,
Feels like nothing,
Tired of everything.

-Prasanna Pala


When I can’t change the future,
I can’t change the present either,
Then what I am upto,
Am I a puppet?
Every string pull and push,
Me to be as in the fate,
If I change things in past,
Will I be happy forever?
Absolutely no,
Then let it go,
A deep breathe and let it go.

-Prasanna Pala


World is so cruel,
Well no,
People around you are so,
Maybe no,
The way you think was like that,
There is still a tiny good heart,
In the every person you meet.

-Prasanna Pala

His reply

I always want a happy moments to last forever,
He replied,
“Live this moment until it is, Don’t think more about the things which are not in your hands.”

-Prasanna Pala


Thousands of thoughts,
Who to express,
Unstable heart,
Standing alone,
Wish to go right,
Want to be alright,
Things are not fine,
Even I try to aline.

-Prasanna Pala

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